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Increasing Student Engagement Through VR Apps

Proximus Wolf10/11/21 

Extended reality solutions like virtual reality (VR) have a high potential of enhancing student engagement in the classroom. It provides unique learning experiences to students that would otherwise not have been possible through conventional methods like PowerPoint presentations.

How VR Drives Student Engagement

Virtual reality is transforming the way educational content is delivered. It doesn’t just allow students to view learning materials. VR also enables students to interact with these materials and content, resulting in a uniquely immersive experience.

The technology simulates scenarios through digital images captured from real-world locations with the use of specialized cameras and equipment. The content can be viewed on VR headsets or projected onto classroom walls.

Here are some ways educators can leverage VR apps to increase student engagement in the classroom:

1. Connect Learning to Real-Life Scenarios

Students tend to be more engaged when lessons are structured in a way that they can relate them to the real world and everyday life. Instead of just explaining lessons through anecdotes and case studies, educators can use extended reality solutions to immerse students in real-life scenarios.

Virtual reality breaks the monotony of textbook learning by allowing students to learn a new skill through VR content that simulates real-life scenarios. They can practice for as long as they want, free to make mistakes and learn from them until they gain mastery of the skill.

In an experiment conducted by Google’s Daydream labs, students were divided into two groups and asked to learn coffee-making via different methods of instruction. The results showed that those who received VR training picked up the new skill faster than those who watched a YouTube tutorial and made fewer mistakes.

2. Provide Students With Creative Ways to Learn

Purely textbook-based teaching strategies can get dull for students. Utilizing VR tools is an excellent way for teachers to increase student engagement in subjects like geography. Unlike textbooks that only offer illustrations and descriptions, VR can virtually transport students to anywhere in the world. Students can explore virtual locations via VR field trips.

3. Facilitate Collaborative Learning

Studies have shown that effective collaboration can increase engagement when students form stronger connections with their peers. VR technology helps with this by placing students in virtual settings, requiring them to work in teams to solve real-life problems. This approach helps make the learning of complex topics not just engaging but also effective.

For these reasons, educational institutions like the Cornell School District in Pennsylvania are utilizing VR technology to facilitate activities that require students to work and learn together as a team.

Enhance Learning Through Extended Reality Solutions

VEDX provides complete extended reality solutions like VR to schools that wish to incorporate immersive learning into their curriculum. We provide you with VR tools that support better learning outcomes, empower educators, and create a more engaging and fun learning environment for students.

Beyond high schools and universities, we also partner with governments and enterprises in customizing VR packages that will help solve learning challenges.

Contact VEDX today to schedule a free discovery call.

  • As the Work Readiness Facilitator at JOB1, I must say the VR applications provided by VEDX have helped both myself and the participants tremendously.

    Courtney M. Moses, Work Readiness Facilitator,
    JOB1 New Orleans
  • “Here at Twain Education, we are a Brazil-based company and wanted to partner with VEDX to diversify how we help schools, it has been an amazing relationship for 3 years now, and look forward to many more.” 

    Joao Pedro Danhoni, Twain Education - Brazil
  • “At INTO university partnerships, we work with over 35 universities in the UK, US, and Australia. We wanted to connect the universities with potential students and VEDX has successfully helped us implement a VR Strategy in our University Access centers in Bogota, Hanoi, and Ho Chi Minh City.”

    Leanna Tillman, INTO - San Diego HQ
  • “Here at VictoryXR, we produce some of the best educational content in the US, we were worried about implementing with headsets and support, but depending on VEDX has helped us do this in schools across the country” 

    Erica Everett, VictoryXR - USA

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