Six unique VR animal dissections for K-12 learners. Specimens are recreated to the finest detail – a suitable substitute for the real thing in a classroom. Lifelike physical models – specimens appear as they would in a real-life classroom dissection. Specimens include: Frog, Cat, Pig, Dogfish, Starfish & Squid (Invertebrate), and Mammalian Organ Pack (Brain, Heart, Eyes, Kidneys).
• VR accessible
• Single user
• Device license: $145/year
Lab for Middle and High School Biology programs, offers a comprehensive step-by-step guided dissections for five specimens: Worm, Clam, Crayfish, Fish and Frog.
This guided experience includes an interactive gallery with a comprehensive understanding of the specimen’s anatomy, before proceeding to perform the dissections. It provides a tool for Biology students to practice their dissections unlimited times.
• Accessible in: VR
• Internet connection required
• Single user
• Unlimited headsets & users: USD $1,250/year
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